I have been asked to talk about communication with our loved ones who have passed and one of the most satisfying ways is through dream visits.
Time and time again, I
have heard from those who are mourning say they have dreamt of their loved ones
and the dream seemed “so real”. That’s because in all likelihood, it was not a
dream but a true visit.
My metaphysical teachers have
told me that when we sleep, we are more receptive to the energy of the
afterlife and can have wonderful adventures. Those more highly evolved souls
report traveling to other dimensions and attending school where they learn what
they need to advance their soul.
But for our purposes we are
going to explore how you can visit with your loved one while you are in the
dream state.
I had what I thought was a very vivid dream the first night after John
had passed. John came to me and we finally had the good-bye we weren’t able to
have earlier that day. It’s personal and I won’t go into the details but it
felt very real. The dream had none of the qualities that some dreams do where
things don’t make sense and people and objects appear strange. John had
substance, for lack of a better word. The impressions were so vivid I remember
them to this day. But when I awoke, while I was happy to have been in John’s
presence I thought it was just a very realistic and vivid dream. I didn’t know then
as I do know now about dream visits and instead chalked it up to my driving
need to have John back with me.
Since that first night, I
have had several of these visits from John on the Other Side.
What do all these
dreams have in common? How do we know they are visits and not just our imagination?
Why are they so
What separates a dream
visit from just an everyday run-of-the-mill dream?
There seem to be
certain characteristics common to these types of dreams.
But first let’s talk a
little bit about how and why they happen. Or at least what the consensus is. No
one obviously can say for sure but based on some pretty good research and
hundreds, if not thousands of reports, we can come to some consistent
As we have already
discussed our loved ones who have passed “live” on another plane or dimension.
Most often this is referred to as the astral plane and it is made of energy.
When we sleep, we are open to that dimension. We are more receptive. Our loved
ones can reach us on that energy/thought plane.
And why is obvious. In
this life, when we are away from loved ones, isn’t it almost instinctive to
want to communicate with those we have left behind to tell them we have arrived
at our destination, we are well, and we love those we miss?
It is the same for our
loved ones who have passed; certainly, for our soul mates who know only too
well how much we are mourning their passing.
So, they enter our
minds during our dream state and we can “visit”.
How do you know if
these dreams are in fact visits?
Consistently these
dreams have characteristics unlike what we call ordinary dreams. Everyone has
had those crazy wild dreams that you think about as soon as you wake up and ask
“What was THAT all about?” - those are the dreams that make no sense and drift
away as soon as your head clears and you start the day.
But dreams that are
visits from our loved ones and soul mates who have passed are very different.
They consistently share the same descriptions:

2 – Our loved ones are
happy. They smile. They convey to us that they are all right. They usually look
younger and healthy.
3 – These dreams stay
with us. They don’t fade away as our day goes on. In fact, people report still
remembering these types of dreams months and years later in full detail. I know
I do. I can still feel how John held me and told me he was never going to leave
me again in one visit. I know exactly where his hand was on my arm. I cherish
what he told me.
4 – Sometimes, these
dreams will relay a message. Again, going back to my dream about his backpack,
John was clearly telling me that I needed to get it from his locker at work. I
had forgotten all about it and I have no idea if I ever would have remembered
it if he hadn’t shown that to me. This occurred three months after his death
and it is now over nine years and I still remember details of that visit.
5 – Communication may
not be verbal but it will always be clear and understood. Sometimes, the
messages conveyed will appear to be telepathic but we will easily understand
our loved one.
6 – The dream visit
will always leave you with a sense of peace and love. My cousin Claudia told me
that she had a definite feeling of closure after John visited her in a dream
about a month after he passed. He told her that it was his time to go and he
didn’t want her to be sad. She said she felt his hug (she always loved his
hugs) and when she awoke she knew he was okay and that she was going to be okay
too. While she still missed him, she knew she could now heal. Sometimes, my
dream visits from John make me a little sad upon awakening but that is only
because I wished I could have dreamed longer about him. I cherish every one of
the times he has come to me and the feelings of love stay with me for hours, if
not days. Who am I kidding? I still feel his love and I am grateful for the
times we get to spend like that. It is a true gift.
*Excerpted from I Will Never Leave You by Joy Collins