Thursday, November 9, 2023

A message

I tend to ruminate a lot. Especially when I am driving. My mind goes non-stop between watching traffic and thinking through problems. I'm a worrier. It's my superpower.

Yesterday was no different. 

I was driving to a haircut appointment and also worrying about many things - some health issues, the upcoming house repairs, and so forth. 

Then, I noticed the car ahead of me and its license plate caught my eye.

I suppose it could have meant any number of things but I read it as Bunkie Love.

John always called me his Bunkie. He did that from the first day he moved in with me. And we always celebrated that day as one of our important anniversaries. He called it Bunkie Day.

I truly believe John was reaching out to me yesterday and telling me to stop worrying about things so much. He was also still calling me his Bunkie which I loved, and telling me that he still loved me. I love that too.

Thank you, John. Message received.
