Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our Jessie - facing another loss

Our Jessie is getting older and starting to fail. So much so, that I know I am going to be faced with the having to make "the decision", probably very soon.
Another loss on the heels of other losses.
John and I got Jessie in July 1999 after losing our Willie, a border collie, in May of that same year. She was one of 13 puppies born to her Mom. John and I had always said we wanted a Golden Retriever as our next dog and John found out about these puppies through a co-worker.
I still remember going to the house where the puppies were to pick out the one we wanted. I was on the floor of the back yard deck looking at puppies trying to decide when I heard John talking.
I looked over and he had a small little Golden in his arms and he was softly talking to her. "Do you want to come home with us?" They were looking into each other's eyes and I knew the choice had been made.
We took Jessie home that day. John and I took turns driving home so each of us could have a chance to hold her. She made soft whimpering noises because she was scared. This was the first time she had been separated from her litter mates. By the time we arrived home we had named her.
So the thought of losing Jessie is also facing the prospect of losing another connection to John. But she will be going to his arms from mine.
First time in the pool

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