Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Still Mine

This past Sunday I took myself to the movies and saw a lovely film called Still Mine. Based on an actual story, it is a touching love story about a couple in their twilight years. It tells how Craig Morrison (Academy Award (R) nominee James Cromwell) defies bureaucracy when he sets out to build a more suitable house for his ailing wife Irene played by Academy Award (R) nominee Geneviève Bujold. It is about the enduring love between a husband and wife, married for over 60 years and how they face the problems of aging and frailty, never losing sight of their devotion to each other.
Of course, it made me think of me and John. The lead male character had  a lot of traits just like John including doing a lot of building all on his own.
John and I had looked forward to growing old together. We were just starting to feel the changes associated with aging. I am very sad that we missed out on that. I loved John from his 30's to his 60's and knew I would love him forever. Yes, we both knew we no longer looked as we did when we first met. But our love was deeper too. Health problems, sagging skin, less energy - none of it mattered. I loved everything about John. I feel robbed of the opportunity to know him in the twilight of our years.
I miss sharing that with him.
I started scanning more pictures yesterday. I dread coming to the end of the pictures but for now I am enjoying going through them. This is John with baby Jessie in July 1999. John was 56 years old. Jessie was only 7 weeks.

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